The world travel cover page is the title or front page of a world travel guide or a magazine. It provides a gist of what is contained in the guide. It is like the introductory page of the overall guide and provides the observer a chance to decide if he would be interested in purchasing that particular guide or not. In addition, it can prove to be a marketing tool for selling the guide, so that it should be designed appropriately.
People love to travel around the world. However, every country is different, in terms of culture, language, food, places, etc. When one is traveling, it becomes easier, if one is aware of the facts about the places to be visited. To help people gain an insight into the places, and to guide them about making the correct travel choices, travel guides are published. These guides include all the basic and relevant information about different places and countries, that may be essential for someone, who is traveling there.
The cover pages of such guides hold great importance as well because of many reasons, such as:
- They put forth the idea of the information present in the guide. The cover page can provide a summary of the guide.
- By looking at the cover page, the potential buyer can decide, if he is interested in purchasing the guide or not.
- The publisher can advertise itself as well as the guide through the cover page, and hence can attract the buyers.
- The added images, catchy tag lines, etc., can beautify, and make the cover page attractive.
- A well-designed and appealing cover page can result in a hike in the guide’s sale.
- Good cover pages can help in distinguishing one publisher’s guide from the competitors’, to win over the market share.
Therefore, while designing a cover page, thorough consideration should be given to every detail. There are many templates available, that can be customized, as per one’s requirements. Otherwise, a cover page can be designed from scratch as well. The key is to design it in a distinctive way so that it becomes prominent among other cover pages.
Further, the chosen font style is also a big choice. The text should be attractive and appealing, yet it should be legible and clear. The images need to be eye-catching, but the text should not be overlapped or blurred due to the background or other images.
In addition to the design, the decision about the information, that needs to be put on the cover page, should be critically made. The information should be relevant, correct, and up-to-date. It can vary though from one publisher to another, and from one guide to another. However, generally, the following details are included in such cover pages:
- Name of the author.
- Title of the guide.
- Version or edition number.
- Publisher details.
- Date of publishing.
- Attractive image/s.
- Any background images.
- Price.
- Discount, if any.
- Catchy, attractive and distinctive tagline, if any.
- Scan code.
Sample Templates

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