Proposals are always written in an attempt to convince people to accept the offer that is being put forward through the proposal documents. Therefore, people work a lot on making these documents more attractive and the content more convincing for those who have the potential to accept or reject the offer.
Those who write the proposal are given many tips as to how they can make their offer more attractive and persuasive. One of the most commonly used strategies to make a document stand out is the use of a cover page.
What are employee training proposal cover pages?
If you are a professional trainer whose job it is to train employees working in a specific area of work, you might want people to know about your existence in the industry. This will let them know that they can get their employees trained by you. In this situation, writing a proposal is extremely important.
The cover page is not part of a proposal. Rather, it is an additional page that is added at the very beginning of the proposal, and its main purpose is to represent the entire document.
What do cover pages do?
Cover pages are the first and foremost pages to be seen as soon as someone gets their hands on a document. A file or a booklet that you have prepared with hard work and that might have more than 100 pages in it should not be scrapped easily. The reader should be able to stop at it once he has already checked it at a glance. This is possible only if your cover page portrays important details regarding the proposal and represents it attractively.
People don’t have to read the entire proposal to accept or discard it. They just read the cover, and it should be persuasive enough for them to decide to read it thoroughly.
When you design cover pages, take care of the visual appeal too, because it will have a huge impact on the mind of the recipient.
What are the main elements of the employee training cover page?
The cover page of the proposal should be able to tell that you have taken the initiative to train workers of different companies and that you want workers to be well-equipped with some necessary skills that can improve their performance and support the organizations in the long run. You will need to add several details to the first page to express your intent to coach people. Here are some of the main details:
Title of the proposal
Those who spend a lot of time writing the proposal also show their keenness for giving it a unique title. Some only mention the title of the training program that they have started and targeted through the proposal. Make sure that the title is decent and self-explanatory.
Details about the sender
The company that trains individuals and writes proposals to ask people to join their training program should mention its name and logo so that the recipient can do some research on it to know about the company. This way, the reader comes to know if the company is a legitimate business and whether it can be trusted or not.
The mission of the program
There should be some space on the cover page allocated to the mission of the program. In this part, you will have to tell your objective or your goal to initiate the training program and write in a few words how the recipient’s company will be able to reap the benefits of the coaching program you have written the proposal about.
Make sure that you write the mission statement concisely and in a very engaging way so that the recipient can feel that you have a very strong reason to initiate the training program, and they should accept your proposal.
Contact details
It is better to give a call to action on the cover page, although it is not mandatory. Give your contact details so that the reader can contact you as and when he finds it feasible. Also, mention the name of the person whose contact details are being given.

Cover page file: 2MB

Cover page file: 2MB

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Cover page file: 2MB

Cover page file: 2MB
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